SEOUL – ARMY (BTS fans) and the Twitterverse is once again freaking out, as the South Korean president himself said during a speech at an seminar on Tuesday that the K-Pop boy group BTS has paved the way.
The speech, titled 3 Innovative Strategies for the Contents Industry, was delivered by Moon in front of the ministers, content producers and directors of mostly production companies on a seminar held at the Seoul campus of the Korea Creative Content Agency.
According to President Moon, BTS has paved the way for such an innovative business model, that they directly communicate with their fans.
He further explained that the content industry is an “important future growth engine” to enhance the brand value and competitiveness of South Korea.

BTS (Photo from Big Hit Entertainment)
The South Korean government will also spend over 1 trillion won in order to nurture content creators via an investment-loan guarantee project. It also plans to offer 740 billion won of loan guarantees to developers and producers of various contents, including K-pop, K-dramas, animation, online games and other digital media contents throughout the year. -HallyuLife.com