Guidelines regarding media partnerships with HallyuLife
HallyuLife is growing, and we believe that working with others is an essential component for mass information distribution. With the interest of media and editorial partnerships concerned, we are now strictly abiding by these guidelines and rules set by the organization in order to have a fair and valuable partnership between you (prospective partner) and us (HallyuLife) in helping to promote the Korean wave further.
Concerts/Fan Meetings/Conventions with actual Korean artists/acts involved
(examples: Concert Tours, Fan Meetings, Music Festivals, conventions, etc.)
HallyuLife or the Event Organizer will propose a media partnership for the event in subject, with the organizer furnishing HallyuLife the confirmation of pass to be able to cover the event.
Organizer would agree to provide HallyuLife with:
- At least two (2) media passes with at least one (1) camera pass for HallyuLife representatives
- Press releases and other promotional materials for the event
- Invitation to press conferences and other related media matters (if applicable)
- Acknowledgment of HallyuLife as a media partner during the event, with logo inclusion on most publicity materials
- Mention of HallyuLife on social media posts
HallyuLife would provide in exchange the following:
- Two (2) feature stories/articles about the event
- Inclusion of event in the ‘List of Events’ calendar
- A maximum of (5) Facebook posts and (5) Twitter tweets on HallyuLife’s social media accounts prior to the event day
- Live coverage and live updates from the event (if allowed and applicable)
- Post-event articles/features such as #ShowRewind containing photos, videos, and stories
- Self-made promotional materials for the event, with the option to use the organizer’s provided materials
- Promotional video posts containing vital information about the event, as well as post-event posts
Organizers are also requested to kindly send all requests for media partnerships for no less than two (2) weeks prior to the event. HallyuLife will try to reach the proper event organizers if deemed necessary to propose media partnerships.
- HallyuLife will NOT post any promotional materials regarding the event UNTIL a partnership has been successfully made. We will only post major updates about the event as we see fit or newsworthy.
- Please note that HallyuLife doesn’t publish press releases directly to its platform, and every sent release is edited according to our policies.
- HallyuLife is NOT responsible for re-sharing all organizer’s social media promotional and publicity posts, and will only share what is deemed important and necessary.
- Photos and videos taken from the events covered are solely owned by HallyuLife or the in-house imaging team (A Plus Visual Group) and its photographers, and the organizer may impose restrictions on how these will be used within 6 months, however, editorial use of these contents limited to the HallyuLife platform should remain at pure HallyuLife’s discretion.
- You may reach us at [email protected] or reply to your concerns thru our editorial staff emails if your case is not indicated above.
Last revised September 6, 2023.