Mnet’s Queendom, a show that we at HallyuLife are honestly a fan of, ends yesterday with a finale that was decided as a result of accumulated points from previous battles, digital release sales and live broadcast votes on the October 31 episode.
MAMAMOO came in first, with OH MY GIRL in second, followed by (G)I-DLE on third, AOA on fourth place, Lovelyz on fifth and Park Bom at last place.
Prior to the final round of the contest, the show revealed the initial rankings, where points from the preliminary rounds of the contest are summed up. Oh My Girl came in first, then followed by MAMAMOO, (G)I-DLE, Lovelyz, AOA and Park Bom.
The points from the live broadcast votes and digital sales are then added to get the final result.
Final performances of the contestants are below (in order of the final rankings):
MAMAMOO – Destiny
Being the last performers for the round, MAMAMOO has shown strong confidence on their track, with Hwasa even saying that it’s the best out of MAMAMOO’s tracks. Belting out their strong vocals with a powerful performance, it seems that the best for this round was saved for last.
OH MY GIRL – Guerilla
Hoping that they will be remembered on Queendom, as Seunghee said during a meeting prior to this performance, OH MY GIRL went on another powerful concept with their performance of their track ‘Guerilla’. Finishing at second place alongside their back-to-back first place wins during the show’s preliminaries, perhaps they will became indeed memorable.
Describing it as one of the best tracks that she worked on as Soyeon of (G)I-DLE said, the group showed off a majestic performance with another powerful track that this rookie group brought into the Queendom’s final stage.
AOA – Sorry
Opening the final stage with a Western movie-like action scenes, AOA showed strong confidence on performing their Queendom comeback track. Seolhyun confidently joked that she was worried that viewers might forget the other teams after their performance.
Lovelyz – Moonlight
Coming in with a new vibe that they haven’t tried before, Lovelyz hit the Queendom final stage with an alluring vibe that channels out their burning passion on stage.
Park Bom – Wanna Go Back
Finishing last doesn’t mean it’s not great, and that is what Park Bom wants to prove with her track “Wanna Go Back”. With inspiring messages from former 2NE1 member Minzy as well as her agency staff members, the track moved viewers all along, with Bom singing for herself who went through the past.
Bom belted out her powerful vocal prowess on which she is very known for, being 2NE1’s main vocal, and as a great soloist, she didn’t disappoint, too!
Meanwhile, Mnet is reportedly gearing up for ‘Kingdom’, a show with the same concept as Queendom, but with the involvement of male groups instead. -HallyuLife.com