Ticket prices and seat layout for Apink‘s Jeong Eun-ji‘s solo concert this June 9, 7PM at ZEPP@BIGBOX, Singapore, was revealed Wednesday.
Officially named as ‘JEONG EUN JI 1ST SINGAPORE CONCERT [HyeHwa]’, the solo concert of singer-songwriter and Apink’s main vocalist was set to celebrate the release of her third solo album ‘HyeHwa’, and here are the ticket prices and seat layout, courtesy of promoter Three Angles Production.
(all prices are in Singaporean Dollars (SGD) and excludes booking fees)
- $248 (VIP)
- $178 (GOLD)
- $118 (SILVER)
All tickets will be seated and will be available thru APACTix starting May 11 at 12pm. 500 VIP ticket holders also stand a chance to win a pass to the soundcheck session.
Meanwhile, Eunji is also set to tour in Hong Kong on May 18. -HallyuLife.com