TWICE went on a virtual press-conference on April 28th, before they set to premiere their first-ever YouTube Original documentary titled ‘TWICE: Seize The Light’ tomorrow, April 29th.
The documentary, which will talk about TWICE’s hardships and struggles on their first world tour ‘TWICELIGHTS’, which happened from last year until this year.
First asked when they feel accomplished seizing the light in their own careers for the past five years, Jihyo said,
Looking back on the road that we’ve travelled, our first and foremost, we are so grateful for the love and support we received. During our debut, I think it was a dream for us to hold just a single solo concert and now we’re immensely proud to have completed, even a world tour and on top of that to have actually made this YouTube documentary, now it feels like 2019 may have been a big turning point for us.
Then, Jeongyeon answered a question with regards to being the first female K-Pop group to have a YouTube original series, asking if there’s any particular concept of TWICE planned.
First and foremost, we have decided to include the preparation and the moments leading up to the world tour in the documentary. Because we want to showcase the best version of ourselves, it is also true that we were able to show all sides of all the members. So, through this documentary, we’re going to reveal behind-the-scenes, backstage stories and never-before-seen footages of trainee days and so do look forward to the release tomorrow.
– Jeongyeon
When asked about any goals for the global market other than chart results after being started to be recognized globally, Tzuyu answered willfully, saying “we hope to show a more mature, grown and improved side of TWICE.”
First and foremost, we wanna thank the reporter for a good question, and I think all our members would agree when I say that we wanna showcase some more mature side of TWICE in regards to stage performance, musicality and so much more. And in the world tour, you’ll be able to see tweak versions of our choreography, track arrangements, and new versions of familiar tracks for you. Of course, we’re not claiming that we’re perfect and there’s a long way to go, but we certainly want to showcase some more mature, grown-up, improved version of TWICE.
They were also asked if they would have collaborations with Hollywood musicians, Chaeyoung said that she wants to collaborate with Justin Bieber.
We wanna thank our global fans for the love that K-pop has received overall and we feel that it is an honor that we’re able to contribute just a little bit to the art that is known as K-Pop. I’d like to believe that our efforts to continuously communicate with fans like this through YouTube, and our signature bright energy may have just beared fruit. And we’re convinced that K-Pop will grow even further and it is our hope that we are a part of this journey. And if given the opportunity to collab with a Hollywood star, I would like to collaborate with Justin Bieber.
– Chaeyoung
TWICE was also asked about what did they learned from the TWICELIGHTS tour experience, and what are they taking with them on their future tours. Dahyun responded:
First, we were incredibly thankful for the overwhelming response we received. Of course, we have been on stage before in the US but it was the first time where a concert was entirely dedicated to us, and it was a big moment and so, the emotions were overwhelming, the feelings were great and we’re very grateful at the end of the day. We wanted to better communicate with the fans so we have prepared some English phrases and expressions to again communicate better, but we we’re so nervous so we’re not quite sure if did quite a good job, so we’ll prepare even more for next time. Tours always leave us a sense of small regrets, some could’ve done better, should’ve done better, we always try to attempt to change of choreography, setlist etc. and we’ve learned. It is indeed a learning process and for the next tour, we would like to visit even more regions and connect with more different ONCE from different parts of the world.
Jihyo then responded to a question about what city was the most memorable when it comes to all the cities they’ve visited during TWICELIGHTS tour:
“Honestly it’s difficult to choose just one city, one group and once fandom that we connected with, but if I had to choose one, the Manila concert was truly memorable, we could really hear the loud cheers of ONCE. Even three hours prior to the concert, it feels like there’s another on-going concert because the cheers are so loud, and so energetic and enthusiastic, it was as if we were able to work off that heeded response, and put together a great performance.”
Asked about what moments were the most difficult or happiest moment to discuss in the documentary, Nayeon said,
Through this YouTube documentary, you’ll be able to capture and see the moments of our world tour concert and prior to its release tomorrow we actually got a chance to look at the videos. I think if we have to choose a single moment or fondest memory we have to think about the concert when we lock eyes with our fans, ONCE of course, to know and feel that you’re rooting for us is so overwhelming. And thinking about the darkest times, I would think about the pre-debut days as seen in the documentary, it was exhausting sometimes, not just physically and mentally too, there were a lot of uncertainty about the future, unanswered questions, as you can see also in the documentary tomorrow when my body can’t keep up with mind and my willpower.
TWICE members were also asked if there’s any film scene that they are looking forward to watching, and Momo said,
I would like to reflect back to the episode that involved the American tour, normally we spent majority of our time at concert venues, practicing at what nod, this time we actually got to see and explore more cities, went to the beach, we had great food with the members, that is actually quote memorable. Because it has been a long time since we last really got to hang out on this scale , so I think all members were quite happy and delighted and we’re hoping that ONCE , you’ll be delighted to see us and join in our time as well.
Sana answered a question asking what kind of feelings did the members felt among themselves through the documentary, saying
We actually have a go-to answer when we were given this question and we were able to accomplished all that we have because it was the nine of us together and revisit the same answer. It was exhausting both physically and mentally and there were days when it was more tiring than others but everyday I look into my members so thankful for them and of course to our fans, ONCE, I think to myself, this why I’m a member of TWICE.
Jeongyeon then responded to a question about how members overcome pressure of TWICE’s titles and burden of their crown?
Thanks for the incredible modifiers and titles. We consider this many titles as gifts from the fans, we credit their love and support over the years and there’s a big sense of responsibility when it comes to that and everyday we think to ourselves, we must deliver because of these wonderful fans and support. But each time, I look to my members and rely to these members to act as a driving force and I can always lean on them for support. Because we’re in this together, we do rely in each other and power through.
They were also asked what do they want fans to gain from watching their YouTube originals series, and Dahyun said,
If until now we’re able to showcase our signature, bright and great energy on the stage, through this documentary we want to tell a more earnest and honest story. Not just going through the motions what we’ve come through or improved as an artist but we wanna relay the real emotions for the viewers for a moment to look forward to. We wanna talk about hope. We achieved greatness and I hope that we can share the message of hope and in times of difficulties we are together. And for trainees, who are also walking similar paths as us we also wanna share support and their endeavors as well. Everyday may look remarkably similar especially when we are training but everyday we’ll add up to a better and improved me and even improved future as well I believed that and I cheer you on and your endeavors as well.
And finally, the members are asked about how they are spending days and messages for their fans to cheer up with regards to many concerts being cancelled due to COVID-19, including theirs, Nayeon responded with,
We are all looking forward to working tours, the Tokyo tour and our encore concert and was really disappoint that we can’t make this come true. We were saddened but we are glad to connect though the livestreaming today. We’re trying new things altogether.
The girls then continued talking about how their fans were to them, and answered more questions from ONCEs about their thoughts about their first world tour.